'These darkly comic tales place the author snugly between Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. Be sure: Chris Fielden is one funny feller.' Allen Ashley, British Fantasy Award winner.
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Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1

Profits From Book Sales are Donated to Charity

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I'm proud to present Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1, the first (and only printed) book in the Prepositionally Challenged Series.

The book was officially released on Saturday 3rd October 2020. It contains 100 flash fiction stories containing a multitude of preposterously placed prepositions, written by 100 authors who submitted their work to Ville's Preposterously Placed Prepositions Writing Challenge.

Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1

Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1 - cover artwork by David Fielden

The preposition challenge was originally launched in December 2017. The book was slow to fill up, because it's quite difficult, but after almost 3 years, we received 100 stories.

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Where to Buy Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1

Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1 is available from Amazon in print and Kindle eBook formats.

Profits generated by sales of this book are donated to Caring in Bristol, a charity that works with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness, bringing people together to make change happen. You can learn more in the 'about the anthology' section below.

Kindle Copies of the Anthology

Buy Kindle eBook copies of the book here.

The book can be found on all of Amazon's websites. You can find it by searching for the book by name or searching for the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN):

  • ASIN: B08HM65J7L

You don't have to own a Kindle to read a Kindle-eBook version of the anthology. You can download a free Kindle app that works on most devices from Amazon's website.

Printed Copies of the Anthology

You can purchase printed paperback books here.

The ISBN of the book is:

  • ISBN: 9798669553722

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About Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1

Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1 contains 100 flash fiction stories (story numbers 1 to 100) containing a multitude of preposterously placed prepositions, written by 100 authors who submitted their work to Ville's Preposterously Placed Prepositions Writing Challenge.

Ville contacted me about the idea for this challenge in 2017. I went and met him in London to discuss the project. Below is a beauteous picture of two heavy metal fans.

Chris Fielden and Ville Nummenpää

Chris Fielden & Ville Nummenpää, at Marble Arch in London

The challenge was launched in December 2017. Because everyone loves the easy to understand rules of English grammar, the book only took 3 years to fill up. No sarcasm was used in the previous sentence...

Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1 is the 12th anthology released via the writing challenges.

The Writers In The Anthology

All the writers in Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1 submitted their stories to Ville's preposition challenge which is one of the many writing challenges run on my website.

The 100 authors of the 100 stories contained in the anthology are:

A S Winter, A.H. Creed, Adele Evershed, Adri Persad, Alan Barker, Alan Barker, Alan Pattison, Alicia Sledge, Allen Ashley, Alysia Ascovani, Amanda Garzia, Andrew Ball, Angela P Googh, Benjamin Noel, Betty Hattersley, Bridget Scrannage, C.I. Selkirk, Cathy Cade, Cheryl-lya S Broadfoot, Christopher Fielden, Claire Apps, Clare Tivey, David McTigue, David Pitts, David Silver, Diane Harding, Donato Ruggiero, Douglas Baker, Ejder S. Raif, Etheray, Fiona M Jones, Frank Hubeny, Gavin Biddlecombe, Geoff Holme, Glen Donaldson, Helena Boland, Hilary Bowley, Ian Richardson, Jack Hanlon, Jaine Irish, Jamie Martin, Janice Eileen Morris, Jay Bee, Jayne Morgan, Jessica Bowden, Joe Brothers, Johanna McDonald, John D Lary, John Lane, John Notley, Josie Gowler, Judy Penfold, K. J. Watson, Kathryn J Barrow, Khamis Kabeu, Lauren Carter, Len Saculla, Lesley Anne Truchet, Lindy Gibbon, Lisa Mattin, Louise Burgess, Lucy Morrice, Maddy Hamley, Maggie Elliott, Majella Pinto, Margee Unger, Maria DePaul, Mark J Towers, Martin Strike, Matilda Pinto, Michael Rumsey, Mike Scott Thomson, Nam Raj Khatri, Neil Davie, Neil Phillips, Pam Keevil, Paul Mastaglio, Phil Hatchard, Prajith Menon, Rajagopal Kaimal, Raymond Strawn III, Rebecca Field, Rene Astle, Robbie Porter, Sandra Orellana, Sandra Phillips, Sarah Ann Hall, Sarah Mosedale, Scott Loren, Scott Parent, Stéphanie Constans, Sue Johnson, Sue Partridge, Susanne Rowell, Susi J Smith, Taylor Thompson, Tiarnán Murphy, Valerie Fish, Ville Nummenpää and Vivian Oldaker.

Ville and I would like to say a huge, "Thank you," to each author. Without them, this book would not exist.

How Book Sales Support Charity

For every book sold, £1 will be donated to Caring in Bristol, a charity that works with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Caring in Bristol

You can learn about Caring in Bristol in the what we do section of their website.

You can find details of how much money has been raised via all of the writing challenges on the main writing challenges page.

Future Anthologies

If you'd like to submit a story to the preposition writing challenge, you can do so here. Every story is published on my website. We are not publishing anymore books via this writing challenge, so Prepositionally Challenged Volume 2 will be online publishing only.

Book Launch Party

Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1 was published during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to this, we were not able to undertake a launch party for this book.


Lots of lovely writing challenge anthologies, gathered at a previous book launch party

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Anthology Cover

The cover of Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1 was designed and created by David Fielden.

Dave and Chris Fielden

Dave Fielden, hanging out with his brother at a pub (pre COVID-19), wrapped in delightful blankets, as you do

Dave is very lucky. This is because Chris is his brother.

When they go to pubs, Dave insists on wrapping himself in a blanket because it makes him feel safe and warm and snuggly. He makes Chris do the same because he likes to share his obsession, inflicting it on others whenever possible. Chris is used to caring for his brother's special needs, so does as Dave asks to avoid embarrassing tantrums.

Dave likes designing book covers and websites for his brother. You can learn more about Dave's website building at Bluetree.

Dave thinks that he should probably start writing his own biographies, but because he can't be bothered, he just let's his wonderful brother do it for him. Thankfully, Chris always includes accurate truths, ensuring his brother doesn't come across like a weirdo.

Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1, full book cover

Prepositionally Challenged Volume 1, Full Book Cover by David Fielden

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Your comments:

Sandra O
I appreciate your work and your achievements. Thank you for allowing me sharing my stories with readers and writers. It is a fun challenge, keeping up with your next adventures on your website.

This connection we writers  have because of your blog. Saludos!

From an american writer living in San  Miguel Allende. A friend, Sandra O.

Chris Fielden
Thank you, Sandra - very much appreciated.

And as always, thank you for your ongoing support. It means a lot to me :-)

Dave M
FFS! I've only just got round to ordering my copies today!

I think I got over excited when the Nonsensically Challenged books arrived and was sidetracked completely. (Glowing review on Amazon, with link to Daisy Garland).

Here's hoping both books are a rip roaring success.

Regards to all, Dave (Mr Nonsense AND Mr Forgetful)

Chris Fielden
No worries Dave - I think this is partly my fault for launching 2 books within a week of each other... but hey ho.

Thanks for reviewing and ordering copies - muchos appreciated :-)