'These darkly comic tales place the author snugly between Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett. Be sure: Chris Fielden is one funny feller.' Allen Ashley, British Fantasy Award winner.
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Sensorially Challenged Volume 2

Profits From Book Sales are Donated to Charity

Quick links on this page:

buy the anthology - about the anthology - book launch party - anthology cover

I'm pleased to present Sensorially Challenged Volume 2, a book crammed with sensorially overloaded tales, stuffed with purple prose, aromatic plots, textured characters, loud conflict and tasty titles.

The book contains 100 sensory stories, written by 100 authors who submitted their sensational stories to Allen's Sensory Overload Writing Challenge. The book was officially published on 22nd June 2019.

Sensorially Challenged Volume 2

Sensorially Challenged Volume 2 - cover artwork by David Fielden

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Where to Buy Sensorially Challenged Volume 2

Sensorially Challenged Volume 2 is available in print and Kindle eBook formats.

Proceeds from book sales will be donated to the National Literacy Trust, an independent charity that gives disadvantaged children the literacy skills they need to succeed in life.

eBook Copies of the Anthology

Kindle eBook copies of the book can be purchased here.

The book can be bought from all of Amazon's websites. You can find it by searching for the book by name or the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN):


You don't have to own a Kindle to read this version of the anthology - you can download a free Kindle app that works on most modern devices.

Printed Copies of the Anthology

You can buy paperback copies of the book here.

The book's ISBN is:

  • ISBN: 9781799109860

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About Sensorially Challenged Volume 2

Sensorially Challenged Volume 2 contains 100 sensory stories submitted to Allen’s Sensory Overload Writing Challenge.

The challenge was conceived by award-winning editor, writer and poet, Allen Ashley.

Allen Ashley

Allen Ashley, reading at one of our writing challenge book launch events in London

The sensory writing challenge opened in March 2017. Sensorially Challenged Volume 1 was released in December 2017. Sensorially Challenged Volume 2 was published in June 2019.

Sensorially Challenged Volume 2 is the ninth writing challenge anthology to be launched in support of charity on this website. You can find out how much money we've raised in total on the main writing challenges page.

Sensorially Challenged Volume 2 in Amazon's top 10

When it was launched, the book got to number 7 on Amazon in the category 'Fiction Anthologies', which is a great achievement.

The Writers In The Anthology

All the writers in Sensorially Challenged Volume 2 submitted their stories to Allen's Sensory Challenge.

The names of the 100 authors featured in the anthology are:

A.H. Creed, Abigail Rowe, Afua Antwi, Aisha Ali, Alan Barker, Allen Ashley, Amberlie Robinson, Amy Pilkington, Andre Othenin-Girard, Angela Dawson, Angela P Googh, Anita Goveas, Beena Nadeem, Betty Hattersley, Beverley J Hall, Brandon Brown, Bridget Scrannage, Camilla Johansson, Cathy Cade, Chris Espenshade, Christopher Fielden, Claire Apps, Clare Woodford, David McTigue, David Silver, Dedra Tullison, Dee La Vardera, Edward Rouse, Eleanor Klein, Endri Vela, Frank Havemann, Gavin Biddlecombe, Hannah Wigley, Helen Trowsdale, Hullabaloo22, Irene Kalesi, Jade Robinson, Jade Swann, James Goodman, Janet Lister, Jay Bee, Jaz Leigh, Jeanna Jones, Jennifer Chislett, Jenny Drew, Jessica Turnbull, Jocelyn Wong, John Notley, Jonathan Martindale, Jordan Bahnub, Kailin Guo, Kaitlin Munro, Ken Frape, Kim Montgomery, Len Saculla, Lesley Anne Truchet, Liam Arnold, Lillia Hammond, Linda Scogings, Lindy Gibbon, Louise Craig, Lucy Morrice, M S Clements, Maddy Hamley, Maggie Elliott, Malcolm Richardson, Mark Johnson, Martin Strike, Max Aldous, Meg Gain, Melanie Goodell, Michael Pickard, Michael Rumsey, Mike Evis, Mike Scott Thomson, Nam Raj Khatri, Neil Brooks, Neil Phillips, Nichole Villeneuve, Nicole McIntosh, Pam Keevil, Pat Hough, Phil Godfrey, Robbie Porter, Ron Smith, Sandra Orellana, Sarah Ann Hall, Sarah Mosedale, Sarah Wilde, Sheila Rosart, Stephanie Sybliss, Steven Barrett, Sue Johnson, Sue Partridge, Taylor Thompson, Tiarnán Murphy, Tracey Chapman, Tracey Maitland, Valerie Fish and Vedika Rastogi.

How Book Sales Support Charity

For every book sold, £1 will be donated to the National Literacy Trust.

National Literacy Trust

You can learn more about National Literacy Trust on their website.

Future Anthologies

If you'd like to submit a story to the sensory writing challenge, you can do so here. Every story submitted is published on this website. Each time we receive 100 stories, we'll publish a book like this one.

Book Launch Party

The book launch party took place on Tuesday 20th August 2019 in conjunction with Talking Tales at LeftBank, 128 Cheltenham Rd, Bristol, BS6 5RW, UK. We also be celebrated the launch of Adverbially Challenged Volume 4 at the event.

26 readers performed their stories. Some were from the anthologies, some were from local flash fiction writers and some were from Talking Tales submissions.

Talking Tales Book Launch Readers

A pic of the awesome readers at LeftBank in Bristol, UK

The readers were:

AH Creed (who read a story written by Gail Everett), Angela Dawson, Christie Cluett, Christopher Fielden, Diane Simmons, Jessica Turnbull, John Holland, John Wheway, Jude Higgins, Ken Elkes, Kevlin Henney, M S Foster, Malcolm Richardson, Mark Fielden, Mark Rutterford, Mary Fielden (who read a story written by David McTigue), Mel Ciavucco, Michael Evis, Mike Scott Thomson, MM Lewis, Nicolas Ridley, Oliver Kennet, Phil Tunstall, Tim Burroughs and Tom Parker.

You can learn more about the launch party, the sales statistics from launch day and see more photos on the main writing challenge book launch page.

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Anthology Cover

The cover for Sensorially Challenged Volume 2 was designed by David Fielden. The cover for Volume 1 was purple (because of purple prose), so we went with traffic light colours on this one, as that's visual and sensory.

The Fielden Family

Chris and Dave Fielden, getting photobombed by Mark and Mary Fielden (AKA Mum and Dad)

Dave is younger than Chris. He has more grey hair than Chris. He weighs less than Chris. He's taller than Chris. Dave wins 3 - 1. Well done Dave.

Dave designs websites. His company of 'all things web' is called Bluetree.

Sensorially Challenged Volume 2 Full Book Cover

Sensorially Challenged Volume 2, Full Book Cover by David Fielden

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Your comments:

David M
Hi Chris, more good news. 22nd June, midsummer madness, pity it wasn't the nonsense challenge. Still, looking forward to this, my contribution is senseless anyway! Forza Fielden.

Chris Fielden
Thanks, Dave - more good news, indeed... We all need a bit of madness around the solstice :-)

David M
My daughter-in-law has a birthday in a week or so. Hmm, what to buy...?

Chris Fielden
Indeed... maybe a book? No, wait... 10 books.

David M
Always emotional to be present at a birth. Let's hope it has the good sense of its others erm... let's hope it grows big and strong and touches the senses of its readers.

Chris Fielden
Sensibly put, good sir :-)

David M
That should have read good sense of its authors! I'll have to stop taking the tablets.

Chris Fielden
I think we both should... :-)